Composite Bonding

Composite Bonding, Teeth Bonding Danville CA

At Pro Smile Dental Care in San Ramon CA, we provide composite bonding services to help you perfect your smile. We understand that the first impression is the most important impression. For this reason, our dedicated and knowledgeable team is determined to provide every patient with the care and support they need.

Our job is to make you smile. With that rule firmly in place, we proudly offer a plethora of cosmetic procedures to choose from. By far one of the most popular is composite bonding.

How Composite Bonding Works

Cavity Repair San Ramon

With a desire to offer our patients the best care possible, we have become a leader in composite bonding. The teeth bonding procedure itself is fairly straightforward for patients; composite materials are bonded to teeth by dental adhesives and concentrated curing light.

These tooth-colored composites can be utilized to fill in cavities and gaps as well as to restore cracks and chipping. In addition, they can be used to treat stains, discolorations, malformed, or crooked teeth.

How Long Will It Take?

Often, the teeth bonding process is completed in one session at our dental practice. This is attributed to the teeth bonding processes’ precise arrangement of restorative material. In many cases these composite materials are placed and molded directly to tooth surfaces for less intrusive smile transformations.

Composite Bonding Aftercare

Dental Bonding Danville Ca

Because we have provided composite bonding for many years, we inevitably form long-lasting relationships with our patients. While the bonding itself can last for many, many years there are certain activities that will shorten the lifespan of your new and beautiful smile.

Proper maintenance and oral hygiene are the keys to longevity, so it is important to follow our dentist’s recommendations.

Protecting Your Results

Brushing twice per day and flossing at least once a day are mainstays. Regular dental cleanings are also important as well as avoiding certain foods, dark drinks, and smoking which tend to stain over time. Also, fingernail biting and chewing on hard objects like ice and pens are easy ways to damage composite bonding.

Cosmetic Dentistry In San Ramon

At Pro Smile Dental Care in San Ramon, we know the effect a wonderful smile can have on an individual’s self-confidence. We are fully committed to getting you there and know that composite bonding is an excellent avenue to pursue. As a painless, low-cost, quick solution, this procedure should absolutely be considered.

Call our office today, and let us help you achieve the beautiful smile you’ve dreamed of.

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